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What is it?

An annual conference highlighting spiritually focused speakers who provide men with tools for facing the challenges of life while enriching their spiritual well-being. The conference allots time for listening to inspiring talks, sharing fellowship, attending Reconciliation, spending time in Adoration, sharing participation in the rosary, and concludes with Mass. Simply, it allows time to step away from the day-to-day distractions and spend a day focusing on the gifts our Lord has provided us that we often fail to notice.

Purchase a Conference T-Shirt

Help us promote the brotherhood and evangelize the world! Purchase a t-shirt from our most recent North Texas Catholic Men's conference!

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What Can You Expect?


Each year the conference is led by empowering and engaging speakers and clergy, who will inspire you to step into God's call for your life!


Men from all across North Texas

and beyond come together to pray, listen to inspiring talks, and commune as

sons of God.


We feel the real presence of the Holy Spirit through Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, praise and worship, inspiring talks, and genuine fellowship.


Spring 2023 Conference Photos

Catch our latest conference! 

Catholic Brothers for Christ YouTube

Catholic Brothers for Christ YouTube

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